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ITS : Ikuta Toma San

Site français sur Ikuta Toma (生田斗真).

J-Web - Toma Ikuta - 01/12/2011 - n°463

Publié par J-sev sur 30 Décembre 2011, 20:41pm

Catégories : #Tomagoto - J-Web (Toma no Heya]


"All Translations credit to Toma's Faithful Girls Subber Team on Live Journal, Restricted to Repost Anywhere!"


Translated by Kashikuta


Yesterday, I have visited two different public places. In the morning, I was allowed to stand in stage of Kanze Noh Theater in Shibuya. The theater has been existed in Japan from a very long time ago. And I got tired by doing dance called ‘the printed pattern of the blue sea’, which was done as a part of the Tale of Genji event. The last time I did it was last year, and I thought that there was no possibility of doing it once again.

It was quite understandable to not being able to remember the choreography clearly, which was why I practiced it several times. As I was expected, I was tensed while doing it. No, I didn’t do it in the usual stage. Whew, anyway, thank goodness all was well. It was not a place I couldn’t miss if I wanted to be myself.


But it was a nice choice to go to. And the next destination was Toyota Vitz Cup Kunitachi Women Soccer, I attended an event in National Stadium as presenter of INAC Kobe versus Arsenal. It was a team in which a lot of players of Nadeshiko Japan were united together. To get the perfect pitch in your mind, please follow me to shout, ‘I asked!’ to get in the mood. The game was tied, though I was so impressed by their spirit, they totally gave their all during the match. Sport is good thing, and so does soccer. Right after the game was ended, I was permitted to meet with all the players.

They were so worn-out, but they still welcomed me happily. Ikuta had a surprise for INAC people, and they are happy to receive it. We, and also staff-san, ate curry together. And since we will not be able to meet again, we had a willy nilly way back home. And now… my cellphone wallies were Nadeshiko Japan with Ikuta Toma (with a weird face). Well, they are so brilliant.. shining~~





Traduction française par Simone pour ITS. Merci de ne pas reposter cette traduction ailleurs sans nous en demander l'autorisation.

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<br /> youpiiii y a du nouveau aujourd'hui!!!! ben dis donc y a pleins de trucs en plus youpiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  merci!! ^^<br />